
I am happy to announce a Department wide recruiting incentive for March targeting annual renewals and reinstates. Please reach out to any expired member and all members set to expire between March 1 and June 30, and encourage them to renew early.
On April Fool’s Day, I will study each Post’s results and award $500 each to the Post with the largest increase in renewals/reinstates and the Post with the highest percentage increase. No joke!
Before you pick up the phone, however, come up with a strategy:
March is when the VFW “Storms the Hill” in DC and every member lends their voice to the Commander in Chief when he testifies before Congress.
• Become familiar with the VFW legislative priorities and direct members to where they can find a list.
• Pick out something you are passionate about and ask members to join you with their support.
• For example, I support the HR 6197 which was introduced directly from a Resolution Colorado passed at the National Convention to help surviving spouses stay in their homes.
Did you know the Relief Fund can be used to pay member dues?
• Per Sec 219 (g) of the MOP, “Remission of dues of sick, needy or disabled members” is an authorized expenditure.
• Some members may have lapsed due to illness or financial problems and were too proud to ask for help. Hearing your voice and an offer to assist with their dues may be the nudge they need to reengage.
Pass a motion in your February meeting to establish your own incentive program.
• Set a budget and run a BOGO special. When a member pays for one year, the Post will pay for the second, or
• Set a budget to provide gift cards to anyone who renews early. Many vendors, like Starbucks, make it easy by offering email delivery, or
• Pass the hat and use the collected funds to reinstate lapsed members as a gesture of comradery and welcome those members back to your Post.
• Be creative!
Good luck in your efforts.
Thank you,
John Keene