Buddy Poppy Activity Reporting



Please use this form to submit your Buddy Poppy activity to the Department. Required fields are annotated with a asterisk (*) You can also test using the form just let us know by selecting "Test" at the end of the form.  When you submit the form both you and the responsible Department chairmen will receive a email listing your entries. Please DO NOT report Buddy Poppy purchases.

IMPORTANT! The Department VFW and Auxiliary reporting year ends on 31 March 2024 and online reports must be submitted by 5 April 2023. The VFW reporting for the National Programs Dashboard continues thorough 30 June 2024.

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Your First and Last Name

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Post or Auxiliary Number

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- Briefly tell us what you did in the Activity Description

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- Pick the Date and Time of Your Activity

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- Did you use Aux MALTA Web Resource?

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