Community and Program reporting is vital to being able to show what our VFW and VFW Auxiliary members are doing in their communities and to recognize those members at our Department Convention and National Programs. It can also be complex because of the different reporting requirements of the two organizations. Our goal is to make it easier to understand what can be reported and to simplify the reporting process with on-line and paper reporting options.
Our on-line reporting is designed for "activity" based reporting which is reporting a given "activity" such as a poppy drive that you held for your Post or Auxiliary that applies to programs, service to veterans, their families, and our communities. The activities listed in these forms are those defined by VFW and Auxiliary programs and include all required details. For example, the number of poppies and handouts distributed in a poppy drive.
If you are not familiar with what activities can be or what category a particular activity should be reported as please see "What You Can Report".
IMPORTANT! - The VFW and Auxiliary reporting year now ends on 31 March 2025 and all reports must be received at Department no later than 15 April 2025. Reporting for VFW National Programs Dashboard continues through 30 June 2025.
Use these Quick Links for Common Activities to open a form with the correct category and activity for common events such as funeral honor guards, parades, etc. so all you have to do is provide the other details. Be sure to review the "Describe your activity" and update it with your activity details.
Select a Category Image to Submit a Report |
What to report for Americanism and Citizenship Education
Activities that can be reported by the VFW or Auxiliary under this category relate to the promotion, participation and education of patriotism and celebration of patriotic holidays including:
- Public patriotic holiday programs
- US flag programs, flag etiquette, flag retirements
- POW/MIA programs
- Branch of Service Birthday programs
- Patriotic education, Veterans in the Classroom
- Patriotic appreciation for citizens or businesses
- Blue Star, Gold Star recognition
Activities can be reported on-line and can be viewed and downloaded here.
What to report for Buddy Poppy
Activities that can be reported by the VFW or Auxiliary under this category relate to the promotion and distribution of Buddy Poppies, including:
- Buddy Poppy program promotion, both within the Post or Auxiliary and in the community
- Buddy Poppy drives
- Buddy Poppy Display Contest
Please do not report Buddy Poppy purchases
Activities can be reported on-line and can be viewed and downloaded here.
What to report for Community Support
Activities that can be reported by the VFW or Auxiliary under this category relate to providing assistance to the benefit of our communities and are not directly related to other VFW or VFW Auxiliary programs, including:
- Providing assistance to the elderly, non-veteran families, and special needs populations
- Hunger, Homelessness, Food and Toy Drive projects for the general population (projects for Veterans should be reported under Veterans & Military Family Support)
- Disaster relief
Note: This category is for projects and activities that are not affiliated with VFW or VFW Auxiliary programs and do not directly benefit the Post of Auxiliary. For example, activities such as performing repairs or maintenance to the Post home, preparing or serving a meal for a Post or Auxiliary fundraiser, or participating in a Buddy Poppy distribution cannot be reported under this section. Also, projects that are specifically for Veterans such as stand downs should be reported under Veterans and Military Family support.
Activities can be reported on-line and can be viewed and downloaded here.
What to report for Auxiliary Outreach
Activities that can be reported by the VFW Auxiliary under this category relate to volunteering / partnering with another organization not affiliated with the VFW or VFW Auxiliary, provided that the project was approved by the Auxiliary and recorded in the meeting minutes prior to the project. Organizations include:
- First Responders
- Churches
- Towns
- Disaster relief
- Cancer, Heart, ALS Associations, etc.
Activities can be reported on-line and can be viewed and downloaded here.
What to report for Hospital
Activities that can be reported under this category relate to volunteering, sponsoring, and providing services and aid to both VA and non-VA facilities in support of the veterans that facilities service, including:
- Aid to VA and Non-VA facilities
- Donations of items or services
- Hospital visits and sponsoring hospital events or activities
- Volunteering in any medical facility, recruiting volunteers
- Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service (VAVS) program
Activities can be reported on-line and can be viewed and downloaded here.
What to report for Legislative
Activities that can be reported under this category relate to improving the lives of veterans, service members and their families through advocacy, including:
- Promotion of VFW Priority Goals
- Participation in election activities
- Attending legislative events such as town halls.
Activities can be reported on-line and can be viewed and downloaded here.
What to report for National Home
Activities that can be reported by the VFW or Auxiliary under this category relate to the support of the VFW National Home for Children, including
- Promotion of the National Home and the National Home Hotline
- Fundraising and donations to the National Home
Activities can be reported on-line and can be viewed and downloaded here.
What to report for Scholarships
Activities that can be reported under this category relate to the support of VFW and Auxiliary scholarships and Teacher award including:
- Promotion of scholarships programs
- Assisting with program preparation such as coordinating resources and judges
- Hosting awards ceremonies
Note: This report is in addition to the reporting requirements to District and Department VOD, Patriot's Pen, and Teacher program chairmen and for the VFW All American Dashboard.
Activities can be reported on-line and can be viewed and downloaded here.
What to report for Veterans and Military Family Support
- Activities that can be reported under this category relate to supporting Veterans, Military and their families including:
- Fundraising for National Veterans Service (NVS), VFW Unmet needs, Help a Hero, etc.
- Promotion of suicide prevention and mental health awareness
- Homeless Veteran events or projects
- Direct aid to Veterans, Activity Duty and their families
- Chaplain services, funeral, counseling, and wellness visits conducted by Chaplains
- Other - such as participation in veteran funerals, honor guards
Activities can be reported on-line and can be viewed and downloaded here.
What to report for Youth Activities
Activities that can be reported under this category relate to sponsoring and working with youth groups including:
- Supporting Scouting and ROTC programs
- VFW, Auxiliary activities with youth groups
- Promotion, participation in Illustrating America, Get Excited for the Red, White and Blue programs (see details)
- Youth Groups Supporting Our Veterans citations and Patriotic Youth Awards presentations
Activities can be reported on-line and can be viewed and downloaded here.