Hospital Activity Reporting Please use this form to submit your Hospital Activity report to the Department. Required fields are annotated with an asterisk (*) Additional fields may appear based on your selection. You can test using the form just let us know by selecting "This is a test" at the end of the form. When you submit the form both you and the responsible Department chairmen will receive an email listing your entries. IMPORTANT! The Department VFW and Auxiliary reporting year ends on 31 March 2024 and online reports must be submitted by 5 April 2024. The VFW reporting for the National Programs Dashboard continues thorough 30 June 2024. Your First and Last Name(*) Invalid Input Your Email Address(*) Invalid Input Post or Auxiliary Number(*) Invalid Input District Number Invalid Input Select your Activity(*) Aid to VA and Non-VA facilityDonations of Items or ServicesHospital VisitsSponsored hospital event or activityMember Volunteering in any medical facilitySponsored Volunteering in any medical facility (Under VFW Aux supervision)Honors EscortNational Salute to Veteran Patients activityValentines for Veterans activityVeterans Health Care (VHA) activityWomen Veterans Health Care Program activityCards to VeteransOther Invalid Input Describe your Activity Invalid Input Pick the Date and Time of Your Activity Invalid Input Who participated?(*) VFWAuxiliaryBoth Invalid Input # of VFW participants Invalid Input # of Aux participants Invalid Input Volunteer Names Invalid Input # of Cards Invalid Input Cash Spent or Donated Invalid Input Hours Invalid Input Miles Invalid Input Corrected Invalid Input Corrected Submission ID Invalid Input Enter the numbers shown below(*) Click here for a new number set Invalid Input This is a test Invalid Input Submit Reset Form Chairman Feedback (1) Invalid Input