The references and resources below are to help you get started supporting local military units and their families through VFW’s Adopt-a-Unit (AAU) program. Before submitting AAU paperwork to VFW National HQ or sending care packages to a unit: Get permission from the unit’s Commanding officer or Senior NCO and review the information in the Adopt-a-Unit Application.  VFW HQs does not have a list of names &/or addresses of units or service members.

VFW Post/Auxiliary members are the BEST resources to make contact with a local military unit. Ask if anyone has a friend/relative currently serving in the military; or even knows of someone working/serving on a local base.

VFW & Auxiliary Department Chairmen are a critically important resource, they receive training on VFW troop support programs and receive regular communications from VFW HQs. Your own hometown community (Churches, workplace, schools, VSOs etc.) As with your membership, ask around to see if anyone has a friend or relative currently serving in the military or working at a base or reserve center.

Military/Internet Resources
Active Duty Military Bases/Installations: Assists 30 million Americans with military affinity stay connected and informed, including an online guide to military bases.

The Military Zone is a website whose mission is to provide military news, information and resources of interest to active, retired, and future military personnel. Their information seems a little older, but it does have telephone numbers for many bases:

My Base Guide primarily geared towards military and their families. Click on the link below to check the U.S. map and see if there is a base in your area. When you find a base, then click on the name. From the bases’ webpage, look for the “Directory” and look for the “Public Affairs” office to make contact.