Brothers and Sisters,
James 1:27 – “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
I pray this finds everyone doing well. The ask is that if you or someone you know needs prayer or assistance please reach out to your District or Post Chaplains. They are there to serve and assist you how every they can. If you cannot reach your District or Post Chaplain, please reach out to me.
National Chaplain Zoom Training has resumed. The Auxiliaries are very much welcome to attend the training. If any Auxiliary Chaplains are interested, please reach out to me. I will see that you receive the information for when the training will be held and how to attend.
New VFW Chaplain Orientation, Past National Chaplain Deb Halter will be giving an orientation for New VFW Chaplains on 10 October, 8:30PM EST. If you can attend, please do. You will learn a lot about the VFW Chaplain and if you’re not a Chaplain you can learn something about what your Chaplain does.
Link to Join Zoom Meeting for New VFW Chaplains on October 10th
Meeting ID: 873 3187 8380
Passcode: 759822
Auxiliary Chaplain Orientation, Past National Chaplain Deb Halter will be presenting an Auxiliary VFW Chaplain Orientation on 15 October, 8:30PM EST. Please attend and after this training continue with the monthly training the National Chaplains offer.
Here is the link to Join the Auxiliary Chaplains Orientation Meeting on October 15th
Meeting ID: 896 4009 5319
Passcode: 942810
Resources for Chaplains:
VFW Chaplain Training Videos -
VFW National Chaplain Web Page -
Armed Services Ministry -
Plus Nothing -
The Jewish Publication Society -
Faith Comes by Hearing - 
GriefShare -
VFW Chaplain Logo With Detailed Explanation
Here is a link to the VFW Chaplain Logo with a detailed explanation:
IF Your Chaplain’s are not receiving emails from the State Chaplain please send me their email. This is both VFW and Auxiliary.
Blessing you through this year.
Kevin Reinhold
Department Chaplain
“Doing Our Lord’s Work for all Veterans”