Department of Colorado

Because “All Politics Is Local”: We Must Elect Pro-Veteran Candidates
As we approach the upcoming elections, it’s essential to recognize that the well-being of our veterans, military personnel, and their families must be a top priority for Congress and the Administration. The best way to ensure that veteran and military quality-of-life issues are taken seriously is to vote for candidates who genuinely support our concerns. While these candidates will have various priorities, it is crucial that veterans’ needs remain at the forefront of their agendas.
Evaluating Candidates
When considering whom to support, take a close look at their voting records. Have they voted for critical legislation like the PACT Act, Dr. Kate Hendricks Thomas SERVICE Act? Have the supported The Major Richard Star Act or the GUARD VA Benefits Act? New candidates must understand the immense value that veterans bring to our communities across Colorado. Their actions and commitments should reflect a dedication to addressing the unique challenges faced by veterans and military families.
The Importance of Advocacy
With ongoing discussions about potential cuts to programs that directly impact veterans and their families, it’s more important than ever to align ourselves with candidates who share the VFW’s Priority Goals. These goals are not mere talking points; they embody the needs and rights of those who have served our nation. By electing representatives who prioritize veteran issues, we can help safeguard essential services and benefits.
Register to Vote
Voter registration and participation are crucial in amplifying our voices. According to surveys within the VFW community, an impressive 89.7% of us are registered to vote, and 99.3% of those registered voters actively participate in elections. When I visit new members of Congress, I remind them that there are nearly 700,000 veterans and family members in Colorado, and our collective voice matters.
Get Involved
Here’s what we need from you: if you’re not already registered, take the time to do so! As Congress returns home to campaign, download and print a copy of the latest VFWCO Legislative Priorities from VFWCO Linktree . Attend townhalls of all candidates—wear your Auxiliary or VFW cap and sit in the front seats. Let them know you’re a proud VFW member!
Speak Up
Engage with the candidates by asking questions based on the VFWCO priorities. Your voice can influence the conversation and help highlight the issues that matter most to our community. Remember, all politics is local, and your participation can make a significant difference.
Together, let’s ensure that veterans, military personnel, and their families receive the attention and support they deserve. Your vote is your voice—make it count!