The objective of this program is to reward ALL Auxiliaries and Districts who are completing those tasks that are required in the VFW Auxiliary By-laws. Other tasks are meant to building a stronger Auxiliary through communication, training and working together. For example, by submitting installation reports and audits on time, purchasing bonds, filing the IRS 990 form, and insuring Officer dues paid. Along with other tasks that we feel will help improve the Auxiliary or District, such as attending the Council of Administration weekend to be able to share program/updates and other Department information.
All Auxiliaries and Districts will be eligible to receive the award provided that the minimum points are reached, the President, Secretary & Treasurer sign and submit the report on time.
The following are highlights of the program requirements. For details and point values see the Auxiliary Report Form or District Report Form.
Membership - Percentages based on previous year ending June 30th. For those Officers that have access to the reports in MALTA, you will be able to view your individual Auxiliary or District Paid Membership Percentage. These targets will be confirmed on these dates by the Department Treasurer.
- Over 101% in Membership, not including Deaths (current percent).
- 100% Plus in Membership, not including Deaths (current percent).
- 100% Plus in Membership, including paid Deaths (paid percent).
- 97-100% in Membership, including paid Deaths (paid percent).
Administrative Compliance - As Districts and Auxiliaries, you all should already be doing these administrative tasks per our Auxiliary Bylaws. We added some "Bonus Points" in this section for Auxiliaries being bonded by the end of July, a month ahead of the deadline.
- Installation report received at National Headquarters by June 30th
- Auxiliary bonded by July 31st (15 Points)
- Auxiliary bonded by August 31st (10 Points)
- Dues of Officers paid by December 31st. If not paid, officers will have to be relieved of their offices.
- IRS 990 filed by November 15th
- Delegates & Alternates due 30 calendar days before District Convention
- Department Delegates & Alternates sent prior to Department Convention
- National Delegates & Alternates sent by May 31st
- President, Treasurer & Secretary complete & submit Year End All State Achievement Report by May 15th
Audits - (Auxiliaries and Districts) Remember that your audits are to be done by your Trustees, not your Treasurer. If you have any questions, contact our Dept Treasurer. The Department Treasurer will be happy to help you with any problems or concerns. And again, we put some "Bonus Points" in this section for you all to earn by meeting all the audit requirements. Don't forget to provide the last audit and the Membership count from the end of the previous year to your respective Commander.
- Due 60 days after quarter; accepted by Auxiliary & sent to Dept Treasurer for all four(4) quarters.
- All Audits sent to Dept. Treasurer on time - 10 Bonus Points
- Commander provided with June 30th audit & year-end Membership count by September 1st
Communication - We are trying to encourage more communication between our Auxiliaries and Districts and our members.
President communicates at least once a quarter in one of the following ways:
- Pictures
- US Postal Mail
- Colorado Veteran
- Dept President newsletter
Training - Training is very important to keep the members updated about the different program changes and what is being done to promote our programs and support our Veterans.
- President shall have a Chairman of a National Program do a School of Instruction at least twice a year.
- Treasurer will host a training session on uses of MALTA
- District Presidents shall have a School of Instruction at two (2) District meetings.
- District Presidents shall distribute Parade of Programs COA information to all Auxiliaries in their District.
- District President shall submit list of program chairmen to Dept. Secretary.
- District Treasurer shall host training session on uses of MALTA.
Program Reporting - By reporting on what all your members do; you can let us know how hard your members are working and give them credit for all their volunteering hours. There are a couple of different tasks you can complete to earn "Bonus Points".
- Submit a program report at least once all four(4) quarters. If all quarterly reporting is submitted (10 Bonus Points)
- Purchase Buddy Poppies. Hold at least one Poppy Drive.
- Submit list of program chairmen to Department Secretary.
- Nominate an Auxiliary member for Salute to Service.
- Auxiliary complete at least one (1) project, activity or donation that benefits Veterans by April 15th of current year.
Leadership - Auxiliaries that have appropriate Officers attend District, Council of Administration and Parade of Program meetings are important resources to pass on to your members. At these meetings, you will receive updates about programs and informed of news concerning the organization.
- District meetings be represented by President or Officer (10 points per meeting)
- Council of Administration meetings shall be represented by President or an Officer (10 points per meeting)
- Council of Administration Parade of Programs meetings shall be represented by President or an Officer (10 points per meeting)
Questions? - Contact your Department Program Chairman; Patsy Gilmore -