Greetings Auxiliary Members,
President Nadia and Commander Carol has joined together for their Special Project. The monies raised through sales of the Veteran pin will be going to their joint Special Project, the “Equine-imity” Program of the White Ribbon Project. My goal is that each Auxiliary buy at least 10 of the Veteran pins.
The “Equine-imity” Program is a project in which those who receive services for any of the above referenced and in need of help, would be able to participate in a program that isn't the standard approach of therapy. Individuals who participate in the “Equine-imity” Program  would participate in sessions that would span over approximately six weeks, assisting them to heal through connecting with the animals at Horse Partners. Currently, the project is geared more towards Veterans and Veteran caregivers, but the Intimate Partner Violence Assistant Program (IPVAP) has already been looking at creating a model of this for the survivors of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse. The Rocky Mountain Regional VA would be the second VA facility to incorporate the program. San Diego VA was the first to implement this program for IPTV survivors.
Please remember our Veterans that are homebound, in hospitals or in our VA community living centers, phone call or a card during the holiday season goes a long way in lifting their spirits. So come on Colorado, let’s get busy creating new memories and working together for “All Veterans, All Voices”.
Patsy Gilmore
Special Project Chairman


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