Department of Colorado Auxiliary

Greetings Auxiliary Members,

It is hard to believe that another program year is in the books! I want to thank each and every one of you for your hard work over this past year. Your dedication to the Scholarship Program continues to amaze me! Although this reporting year has come to an end, please continue to track your activities over the next few months so that you can report them when the new reporting year opens.

The Continuing Education Scholarship continues to grow in the number of applicants and I hope with your help, we can continue to see an increase in participation in this scholarship opportunity in the future. The VFW Auxiliary support for the VFW Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen Scholarships continues to grow as well. Your recognition of recipients for all the scholarship programs has been amazing this year. There have been numerous events, banquets, and recognition activities throughout our state to acknowledge these participants. The VFW has already released the theme for next year’s program.

The 2024-2025 Voice of Democracy theme is: “Is America Today Our Forefather’s Vision?”. The 2024-2025 Patriot’s Pen theme is: “My Voice in America’s Democracy?”.

The Young American Patriotic Art 2-D and 3-D Scholarship Programs also continues to grow in participants. I am very excited for the State Convention to see all the art work on display and to recognize our Department of Colorado recipients!

Congratulations to all of the Department of Colorado scholarship recipients for the 2023-2024 year! Thank you for representing our wonderful state! To all of our auxiliaries in the state of Colorado, THANK YOU for all that you do! Remember, the best way to ensure the continuing growth and support of our organization is by continuing to support and encourage our younger generations through these scholarship opportunities.


Crystal Proffitt
Scholarship Chair