Our Legislative Program year is well underway and I am very pleased with members’ participation on many levels!  Auxiliary members are watching the news, the debates, the candidate’s platform presentations and attending and participating in community forums. They are signing up to become poll workers, monitors and election judges. They are sending letters and calling their representatives regarding veteran issues. And very important, Auxiliary members are taking the time to report their activities – this is such a critical aspect of our efforts. It is my mission this year to keep you on the leading edge of issues and legislation that you need to know about. Here are some things that you can do to keep your members informed and active:
  • If you have not already done so, please sign up for Action Corps Weekly and ask your Auxiliary teammates to do the same. Respond to VFW Action Alerts and make sure that your members do the same. When you sign up, you will automatically be subscribed to the Weekly Newsletter which will keep you updated on the issues and events that you need to know about. You don’t have to be an Auxiliary member to sign up or participate – encourage friends, teachers, community members, and others to sign up also – they can help too ! Within our state, our response rates to Action Alert recommendations ranges from a low of 1% of our total (VFW and Auxiliary members) to as much as 15%. Let’s get our Alert response rate up in our state ! There may be a Conference Challenge Program coming soon where we in Western Conference can show those in the other conferences how committed we are in Colorado to our veterans based on how we respond to and act on Action Alerts – more information on this to follow.
  • Continue to watch TV and listen to Radio News (as much as you can tolerate), attend town hall meetings, vote in local and national elections, attend school board and other community events. Keep sending letters to your legislators–Let your voice be heard ! Keep track of your time, your mileage, and your contributions, if applicable. Report this information yourself or through your Auxiliary. If you discover something that is important with respect to our Veterans and families within your community, send me a note so that I can let everyone know.
  • As noted previously, one of my key subjects last year, and an issue that I spoke about all over our state, was combatting “Claim Sharks.” These legal firms prey on veterans and families by attempting to take large portions of benefits due them from settlements like PACT Act, Camp Lejune victims, extended Vietnam benefits, etc. Encourage anyone applying for benefits to contact a VFW Veteran Service Officer first before going to one of these law firms. There is Claim Shark Legislation currently in the works within Colorado – I will continue to update you on this very important subject as more information becomes available.
  • There have been positive developments with regard to House Resolution 9468. On September 20th, the Veterans Benefits Continuity and Accountability Supplemental Appropriations Act 2024 was signed into law. At risk before the passage of this bill, 7 million veterans stood to lose benefits on October 1, 2024 in areas such as:
               *Pension Benefits
               *GI Bill Benefits
               *Burial Benefits
               *Survivor Benefits
   This legislation stepped in to fill in the VA’s $2.8 Billion shortfall and provides mechanisms to assure that such shortfalls do not happen in the future.
  •  Of interest to our members now, SB 2888 / HR3933 the TAP Promotion Act (Transition Assistance Program) which authorizes Veteran Service Organizations like the VFW to aid service members just leaving the service of our nation in signing up for and receiving their well-deserved benefits.
I am looking forward to bringing you more action items and information throughout this year!
Phil Reinpold
Legislative Chairman