GENERAL ORDERS #2                                                           November 1, 2024

All General Orders from the Department President are official and need to be read at the first meeting following receipt before being filed for reference.

  1. Presidents on all levels are reminded that their duties in accordance with Section 810 of the National Bylaws are to preside and maintain order and enforce a strict observance of the Bylaws and ritual of the organization, appoint all officers and committees not otherwise provided for, see that there is no disruption during the meeting and if so, has the right to have the member causing the disruption removed.
  2. Members should address all remarks to the President, not to other members in attendance. Members should stand and be recognized by the President and, if two stand at the same time, the President will decide who is recognized first.
  3. No member will disrespect or embarrass any member of this organization at any time.
  4. Department President Nadia Flores’s Special Project is The White Ribbon Project supporting the Equine-imity Program. Proceeds from the sale of the Veteran Pin and donations will go to support this fund.
  5. Suggested donations to Health & Happiness should be processed through MALTA or mailed directly to National Auxiliary Headquarters in Kansas City earmarked for Health and Happiness. Department Hospital donations should be mailed to Department Treasurer Cindy Anderson.  The suggested Department Hospital donation is $.75 per member.  Both donations are based on your June 30, 2024, membership number.
  6. District Presidents and Auxiliary Presidents: Please be sure that all Districts and Auxiliaries have filed their 990N or other appropriate 990 return by November 15, 2024.  A copy of the acceptance confirmation for the 990N should be sent to Department Treasurer, Cindy Anderson.
  7. Standing Rules: In accordance with Section 211 of the National Bylaws, Auxiliaries and Districts may establish Standing Rules to provide for specified operations, activities, events, expenses, and disbursements between meetings provided such rules do not conflict with the National or Department Bylaws.  Standing Rules should be reviewed annually. 
  8. VOD and Patriot Pen Entries are due to the Post/Auxiliaries by October 31, 2024. Judging of these entries at the Post/Auxiliary level should be completed by November 15 and the results forwarded to the District.  Judging at the District level should be completed, and winners forwarded to Department by December 15, 2024. 
  9. Change in Officers:  Using the Officer Change Form please notify National Headquarters and Department Secretary Ginny Rosa of any changes in Auxiliary or District Officers.  The above should also be notified of any changes of meeting dates, places, times, and dues amounts.  This form is available on the Colorado Department website at
  10. District and Auxiliary Officers: All officers must hold a 2025 dues card or life dues card by December 31, 2024.  Any officer or chairman who has not renewed their membership ceases to be a member in good standing on January 1, 2025, and cannot hold an office of chairmanship unless dues are paid.
  11. Buddy Poppy Orders: Please place your orders for the new Metal Poppy and the Original Red Cloth Poppy with the Department of Colorado VFW, 1400 Carr Street, Lakewood CO  80214.  The minimum order is 500 poppies.  If the Auxiliary and Post order together, be sure to note on the order form the amount purchased by each.  There are now two Poppy Order forms that can be found on the Department website at and in the Colorado Program Book.  Please be sure to use the correct form for the style you are ordering.  Poppies can be ordered by the Auxiliaries but must include a VFW members membership number on the order.  You must include freight in your payment as required per the order form.
  12. Special events. Please notify Department Secretary Ginny Rosa of an upcoming special event or celebration so that the Department and District Officers may attend if available
  13. Auxiliary Treasurers: The Department Membership Chairman asks that you please process 2025 dues for continuous members at least weekly. Send all new, rejoin and transfer applications to the Department Treasurer as soon as they have been accepted.  Be sure that all applications are filled out and include the signatures of the investigating committee and the date elected.
  14. District and Auxiliary Treasurers and Trustees: The second quarter audit for the period July 1, 2024. Through September 30, 2024, should be completed by October 31. The audit must be accepted by motion within 60 days after the end of the quarter and a copy sent to the Department Treasurer.
  15. District Dues are to be remitted to the District Treasurer by September 30, 2024, of the current Auxiliary year or as established by the District Standing Rules based on the June 30 membership of the preceding year.
  16. A Special Thank You to all of those who attended the Parade of Programs in Cortez. The Program Chairmen did an exceptional job of promoting their programs and in providing information. Also, a special thank you to the Council Members and Auxiliary members who attended the Council Meeting on August 25, 2024.  Remember that all members are encouraged to attend these events.                                                                                                                                                                      
BY ORDER OF:                                                                                                                ATTESTED BY:
Nadia Flores                                                                                                                   Ginny Rosa
Department President                                                                                                      Department Secretary