Department of Colorado Auxiliary

Americanism is going strong in Colorado. Thanks to all your hard work and sharing. It was great to see you all at our March COA. Post 1 has an awesome display of our way to share, provide history, and honor our military with their nook of national military history treasures and their Missing Man table display. This year as I visited other posts I always looked for the Missing Man displays and admired how you chose to place it in a special, safe place with extra lighting adding extra items to make be long to your members.

The one observation I do want to visit with you all about is the collection of the branches of service small flag stand. It is so very important and needed to be proactive and in the forefront to honor all of our branches of service. Very few displays have the Space Force flag in their collection. This is a new branch of our military for the USA. It is a vital and necessary branch of security our country needs with all of the cyber business, activity, communications and devices used by all countries around the world, I want to share a few facts about this branch and encourage you to learn more, share more, and put their flag and emblem on display along with all of our other branches of service.

Space Force motto: Always Above. Their song is Semper Supra, meaning “always above”, this official march was composed in 2022 by James Teachenor and Sean Nelson. This is the first new branch of military in 73 years. Service members assigned to Space Force are known as Guardians. Their uniform has 6 silver buttons as it is the 6th branch of service. Question about if Space Force ever see combat? They have been participating in every conflict since the Vietnam War. In fact, the Persian Gulf War is referred to as “Space War”.

This year is coming to an end. Be proud of your activities, events, projects, and programs you put so much time, energy, and funding to make this year at your post the best it could be. Celebrate with get togethers, coffee, pot luck just for you and your volunteers and families who assisted you throughout this year. You all are auxiliary warriors stepping up, continuing on, shining the spotlight on our USA flag and doing the right thing representing your post with pride, respect, and love of this great nation. See you at convention.


Marilyn Peters
Americanism Chairman