Happy fall.  I want to thank everyone for submitting their reports. It great to see all the wonderful activities the Auxiliaries are doing. Keep up the great work!
I can’t believe November is already here! I hope everyone is putting the finishing touches on their poppy displays and poppy distribution events for Veterans Day.
Also, it’s time to start thinking about your poppy display entry for the Convention and National competition. Order your poppies now so you will have enough poppies for your entry.
Just a reminder about the new order form. You will need to include your VFW Auxiliary membership # on the form. There is a link to the new form at the bottom of the Department of Colorado homepage (https://vfwco.org)
I am receiving a few reports of donations to the National Home. Please remember to include the National Home in your activities and donations. Report! Report! Report!
On January 7, 2025 the VFW National Home will turn 100 years old! It is time to CELEBRATE!  The VFW National Home was the FIRST National Program for the VFW Auxiliary. I hope each Auxiliary will be sending a birthday card to the VFW National Home. Please have the cards to the National Home by the beginning of January so they can be displayed for the birthday party. Instead of sending gifts for the traditional birthday party, remember that the VFW National Home has an Amazon Wish List with things they could use, or your Auxiliary could make a donation to help with costs of the 100th celebration in June.
There are so many different ways to support the Home, including:
  • National Home’s Amazon Wishlist
  • Become a Life Member
  • Donate to Health & Happiness
  • Purchase a brick for the Tribute Park
  • Become a Hometown Hero contributor
There are many events and special things planned for the birthday celebration for the National Home. Please participate and help in all of the celebrations. The biggest celebration will be held at an event on the National Home grounds in June 2025. For more information visit their website at https://vfwnationalhome.org or follow them on Facebook.
Kathy Kurtenbach
Buddy Poppy-VFW National Home Chairman