Hello to all!
As you read this, we have already completed our second Council of Administration. If you did not attend in person or via zoom – then it is possible you missed out on important information. Please reach out to each of our Department Chairman and ask for information that you may have missed out on.
Quick housekeeping – the email previously given in the August Coloradoan is not working. If you have emailed me via that email box and have not received a response, I apologize. Please forward me any emails previously sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. I have sent out several emails to District Presidents, Deputy Chief of Staff, and some to Auxiliary Presidents – please make sure information that is being sent out is being provided to your membership. Of course, if there is a topic or question you have – please keep sending them to me via email, text or calling me. You never know who else as the same question or is looking for the same information!
Help me, help all of you succeed this year!
Thank you to everyone who has been emailing questions – the best way to learn is to ask questions! For those who have not logged into VFW Auxiliary Malta lately or ever – the new 2025 Bylaws and ritual book is available via members resources. Any member can download the bylaw & ritual book to their computer, tablet, and cell phone for a quick reference. Using the PDF (Adobe) format, did you know you can search keywords, and the document will take you to each section those keywords are listed – making finding information quick and easy.
As a reminder, the bylaws and rituals are the foundation (policies and procedures) in which our organization is based on. These bylaws are not suggestions on how an auxiliary can governed and ran instead it is how all auxiliaries should and will be governed and ran. Each level is to follow the national bylaws & ritual as well as any bylaws that are written and approved at the department, district or local level that are not previously covered in the national bylaw & ritual book.
Do you know of a bachelor post who has mentioned that they would like an auxiliary? If yes, please send them my way! President Nadia and I are eager to talk to more bachelor posts about the benefits of having an auxiliary as well as starting them on the path acquiring one.
Lastly, for those who know me – knows I love a good challenge. If you missed Council of Administration, then you missed my most recent challenge and I encourage you email me to find out so that you can help your auxiliary win a monetary prize at the March COA.
Stephanee Trujillo
Department Chief of Staff
Department Chief of Staff