Department of Colorado Auxiliary

Greetings Auxiliary Members,

Welcome to another fun and exciting year! Thus far, 2024, seems to be a year full of amazing things that our auxiliaries are doing to support the mission of the Scholarship Programs. The Continuing Education Scholarship deadline is fast approaching and entries are due to National Headquarters by February 15, 2024.

March is a very busy month as the Young American Patriotic Art and the 3-Dimensional Patriotic Art Scholarships entries are due to your local auxiliaries by March 31, 2024. More information, including promotional materials for these scholarships, can be found at, and in MALTA Membership Resources. March is also the end of the reporting period for all programs so please make the time to turn in your reports!

Please remember my current promotion focuses on recipient recognition and student participation. I am looking forward to the next COA where I am hopeful that many auxiliaries will share how they recognized their scholarship participants and winners. As always, thank you for all that you do! Remember, the best way to ensure the continuing growth and support of our organization is by continuing to support and encourage our younger generations through these scholarship opportunities.


Crystal Proffitt
Department Scholarship